
How to Find the Right San Diego DUI Lawyer

San Diego DUI Lawyer

If you are looking for a San Diego DUI lawyer to represent you, becoming knowledgeable about what qualifications to search for as well as DUI laws is essential. A DUI conviction can mean severe fines, penalties, and jail time. Finding an attorney who will protect your rights and fight for you can make the difference

How to Find the Right San Diego DUI Lawyer

No one is prepared for a DUI arrest. Choosing a defense lawyer to represent you during this difficult time is vital. It may be tempting to base your decision on whoever charges the lowest fees or appears first in the phone book. It is imperative that you choose the San Diego DUI lawyer who will best represent you.

Below are some tips when searching for a DUI defense attorney:

1. Your San Diego DUI lawyer should be a DUI defense specialist.

2. A competent defense attorney will have experience in both trials and plea bargains.

3. A qualified DUI defense lawyer will have a documented track record of positive and successful outcomes.

Most DUI defense lawyers offer a free, no-obligation consultation. Qualifications are important, but nearly as important is choosing an attorney with whom you feel comfortable. A DUI arrest and the aftermath is stressful. Working with someone you like and feel at ease with is critical. Take advantage of the free consultations offered before making a final decision.

There is no question that contracting a lawyer for your DUI defense is an unexpected expense. Most lawyers recognize that fact and offer payment plans.

San Diego DUI Defense Strategies

Your DUI defense lawyer will likely examine the events that led to your arrest and whether or not the officer acted within the law. For example, in San Diego county, an officer can only pull you over for probable cause. Legitimate probable cause includes driving too fast, being erratic, and committing routine traffic violations.

The accuracy of any field or jail blood alcohol test results may also come in to question. An accomplished DUI defense lawyer will investigate the administering of the tests and how the results were obtained.

Another aspect of your arrest that your defense attorney will delve into is whether or not your rights were respected. Were you read your Miranda Rights? Did you know that you had the right to remain silent? Were you given a phone call?

The right San Diego DUI lawyer will work to ensure you are aggressively defended, giving you the best possible outcome.